Dealer Profile: Dan du Bern

A Serious Contender
Lucinda Bennett, Art Collector, April 1, 2024

Gallerist Dan du Bern proposes that what distinguishes one contemporary gallery from others is mainly just what its artists and collectors bring to it. On that basis, his Auckland gallery, Sumer is indeed distinguished. Its diverse list of revered artists share criticality and depth, but not without humour. And the collectors it attracts are not trend seekers or trophy hunters, but rather have in common a desire to genuinely connect with the work of right now.


Beach Road is not an obvious location for a gallery. A busy thoroughfare connecting downtown Tāmaki Makaurau to the Ports of Auckland, Parnell and scenic Tamaki Drive, it is a place of high-rise apartment blocks and hotels, drab concrete and exhaust fumes. But perhaps this is to Sumer’s advantage. Nestled between a laundromat and a community law centre, the gallery’s striking violet and white exterior – a commission from gallery artist Jan van der Ploeg – stands out. As I approach the gallery one muggy Friday afternoon, I observe pedestrians doing a double-take, pausing to peer at the slick, glyphic Ella Sutherland paintings in the window...



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