Sandra Bushby
Pouring Light 14 Agosto - 14 Setembro 2024It is hovering in a zone, between taking form, registering and becoming, while also simultaneously being stubbornly out of reach, slipping from view and residing in a neverland. This is...Leia mais -
13 Dezembro 2023 - 27 Janeiro 2024Over the summer break, Sumer will be presenting highlights from its recent program, together with previously unexhibited works from gallery artists. The exhibition includes work by Brook Andrew, Sandra Bushby, Hikalu Clarke, Andrew Hazewinkel, Lara Merrett, and Brontë Stolz.Leia mais
31 Maio - 24 Junho 2023Featuring new and recent works by Sandra Bushby, Xin Cheng, Hikalu Clarke, Ruth Cleland, Eleanor Cooper, Henry Curchod, Tjalling de Vries, Miles Hendricks, Yolunda Hickman, Jesse Hogan, Cindy Huang, Matthew...Leia mais -
Sandra Bushby
Sea Garden 27 Julho - 20 Agosto 2022Sumer is pleased to present Sea Garden , an exhibition of new paintings by Tāmaki-based painter Sandra Bushby. The exhibition features paintings that formed part of her doctoral submission, which...Leia mais -
Sandra Bushby
Painting Poems 7 Março - 9 Abril 2020Through two language systems, painting's formal language of colours, spaces and lines, and the linguistic signs and structures of written (and spoken) poems - punctuation, line breaks, breaths - I...Leia mais